Panel (L-R):
Daniel Kachelriess, CITES; David Vivas Eugui, UNCTAD; Antonella Vassallo, IOI;
Lucas Assunҫão, UNCTAD; Tundi Agardy, Forest Trends; and Federico Vignati, CAF.
This side event will allow discourse on adapting and contextualizing BioTrade principles for use in the marine realm to allow for an ecosystem-based, adaptive management approach which promotes conservation and improves livelihoods.
The side event will showcase studies of blue BioTrade in Latin America, and proposals to better adapt BioTrade to the particularities of the marine environment. It will also highlight the synergies between adopting the blue BioTrade principles and the effective implementation of CITES provisions for marine species.
This side event is part of a long standing partnership between UNCTAD, CAF, CITES and International Oceans Institute in developing sustainable and responsible biodiversity-based value chains, products and services.

Side events organised by UNCTAD and its partners

Fisheries subsidies: The path toward a sustainable global agreement

Enhancing trade opportunities for LDCs and SIDS through the fisheries sector:
Addressing challenges imposed by international food standards

High Level Exchange:
Pacific Leadership through Innovative Approaches to the Oceans Economy – Pacific 2050
News from IISD
CAF: Federico Vignati,
CITES: Daniel Kachelriess