The Working Group aims to advance cooperation on measuring electronic commerce (e-commerce) and the digital economy and enhance the availability, quality, comparability, usability and relevance of statistics on e-commerce and the digital economy, with a view to supporting evidence-based policymaking, in particular in developing countries.
The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy, at its fourth session in October 2020, agreed on the following topics for the second meeting of the Working Group:
- Progress in measuring electronic commerce (e-commerce) and digital economy work by relevant international organizations.
- Next steps in the implementation of the revised UNCTAD Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy.
- The use of non-survey sources of data to supplement the traditional measurement of e-commerce and the digital economy.
Written contributions
To facilitate deliberations and the exchange of experiences on the topics to be discussed, member States and observers are requested to submit written contributions to UNCTAD by Friday, 2 April 2021.
This meeting is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Member State representatives wishing to attend the meeting are requested to provide their credentials to UNCTAD by Friday, 2 April 2021.
Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the meeting. Registration requires uploading an official letter of nomination to represent an organization at this meeting. For government representatives, a note verbale or an email from the permanent mission in Geneva will suffice.
The session will be conducted through a remote simultaneous interpretation platform with the six official languages of the United Nations. A link to the formal virtual meeting will be sent to registered participants, at the email address used for registration, one day in advance of the start of the session.


Série de réunions
Intergovernmental Support Service
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Substantive and other inquiries:
Information and Communications Technology Analysis Section
T.: +41 22 917 48 95
E.: ict4d@unctad.org