Supporting the least developed countries in tackling constraints to trade.
UNCTAD provides multilateral technical cooperation through the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), a multi-donor programme, that assists the least developed countries (LDCs) in their efforts to build productive capacities and play a more active role in the global trading system.
The EIF is supported by six core partner agencies, namely UNCTAD, ITC, UNDP, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. UNIDO and the UNWTO participate as observer agencies.
The main objectives of the EIF are to:
Mainstream trade into national development strategies.
Establish national structures to coordinate the delivery of trade-related technical assistance.
Build capacity to trade, which also includes addressing critical supply-side constraints.
Events and Meetings
Documents and Publications
Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update of the Gambia: harnessing trade for growth and employment
UNCTAD/ALDC/INF/1 - 23 sept. 2020
Etude diagnostique sur l'intégration du commerce : Sénégal - mise à jour
UNCTAD/ALDC/INF/2 - 23 sept. 2020
Etude diagnostique sur l'intégration du commerce : République de Djibouti - mise à jour
UNCTAD/ALDC/INF/3 - 23 sept. 2020
Etude diagnostique sur l'intégration du commerce : République du Mali
UNCTAD/ALDC/INF/4 - 23 sept. 2020
Etude diagnostique sur l'intégration du commerce : Niger - mise à jour
UNCTAD/ALDC/INF/6 - 23 sept. 2020