This compendium contains the main notes and technical materials that have been prepared by UNCTAD on requests1 by the WTO LDCs group to support the ongoing progress to implement paragraph (b) of annex F of the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Decision “Ensure that preferential Rules of Origin applicable to imports from LDCs are transparent and simple, and contribute to facilitating market access”.
The mandate of UNCTAD Maafikiano contained in paragraph 38 provides as follows: “Assist the least developed countries in making use of existing initiatives and programmes such as duty-free and quota-free schemes, preferential Rules of Origin for those countries and the least developed countries services waiver, as well as targeted assistance under initiatives such as the Enhanced Integrated Framework and Aid for Trade”.
These notes and technical materials, and other supporting tools have been used by the WTO LDCs group, with or without modifications, as submissions to various for mainly the WTO Committee on rules of origin.
The research and capacity-building program on Rules of Origin for LDCs at UNCTAD has been funded by various Donors since 2007 until present, demonstrating the technical value and the results achieved by the program.