United Nations General Assembly mandated the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy to conduct voluntary peer reviews of national consumer protection laws and policies of member States, as implemented by national consumer protection authorities.
The purposes of a peer review are to provide an external and independent assessment of the effectiveness of consumer protection law and policy in a given country, with the following three objectives:
- Analysing the legislative, institutional and public policy frameworks and the enforcement of legislation in order to identify the challenges to be addressed and the areas to be improved in the legislative and institutional frameworks.
- Assessing the consumer protection awareness of relevant stakeholders and their contributions in this area.
- Formulating and recommending appropriate measures and assisting countries in implementing the recommended measures by developing a capacity-building project.
Thailand is the fifth member State of UNCTAD to undergo a voluntary peer review, following those for Chile, Indonesia, Morocco and Peru.
Thailand decided that the focus of the present review should be on consumer protection law and dispute resolution.
This report serves as a basis for the peer review discussions. The interactive peer review will provide the Thai consumer protection authority with a unique opportunity to exchange experiences with peers around the world.