Report of the Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission on its seventh session

Décisions adoptées par le Conseil du commerce et du développement 2015
Report of the Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission on its seventh session
Conclusion concertée
24 avr. 2015

The Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission,

Recognizing the constructive and fruitful deliberations at its seventh session, and

Mindful of the special circumstances for this session in light of the preparations for UNCTAD XIV,

  1. Takes note of the work of the various expert group meetings held under the aegis of the Commission and looks forward to their continued contributions to synergizing the three pillars of UNCTAD;
  2. Notes with appreciation the programme of Investment Policy Reviews and underlines the usefulness and the positive impact of the intergovernmental peer review process in this regard;
  3. Recognizes the work of UNCTAD in the areas of science, technology and innovation, and in investment and enterprise, and the importance of such work in strengthening the capacity of developing countries to address key development challenges.