Review of the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2025, part A of the proposed programme budget

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2024
Review of the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2025, part A of the proposed programme budget
Agreed Conclusions
26 Jan 2024


The Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance,

Having reviewed the draft UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2025, part A of the proposed programme budget,

  1. Takes note of the UNCTAD programme plan and performance information for the year 2025, part A of the proposed programme budget, as contained in document TD/B/WP(87)/CRP.2;
  2. Requests the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to take account of comments and inputs provided during the eighty-seventh session of the Working Party and document TD/B/WP(87)/CRP.2 for the purposes of her submission of inputs for the proposed UNCTAD programme budget for the year 2025 to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and to highlight expectations from member States for subsequent consideration by the General Assembly of the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies;
  3. Further requests the secretariat to debrief the UNCTAD membership on the final document issued for consideration by the General Assembly of the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies, including proposed resources, as well as on the final outcome document of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations;
  4. Welcomes the presentations provided by the secretariat, including by the Deputy Secretary-General, and calls upon UNCTAD to continue to mainstream the agreements outlined in the Bridgetown Covenant into its programme plans;
  5. Notes the continuous improvement in the quality of the results and performance measures presented and of the overall document presented, and calls upon the secretariat to ensure further improvements based on the comments provided by the Working Party;
  6. Takes note with appreciation of the information provided to member States and made available by the secretariat on the Delegates Portal on the resources for UNCTAD for the year 2024, on the geographical and gender representation of UNCTAD staff, as well as on the use of internships within the UNCTAD secretariat in the year 2023, and calls upon the secretariat to continue providing such information and, if possible, provide more detailed information by division, and taking actions towards improving geographical and gender balance;
  7. Takes note and expresses its appreciation for the provision to member States of the performance report on the implementation of deliverables for the year 2023, in line with the agreed conclusions from the previous session, and calls on the secretariat to make efforts to ensure timely publication for due consideration by member States as well as to continue improving the coherence in reporting across subprogrammes and address duplications in the listing of deliverables.