Entrepreneurship Capacity-Building for Uganda MSMEs

16 - 20 décembre 2024
The Grandville Manor Hotel
, Uganda

UNCTAD has been assisting Uganda’s Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development with targeted interventions in the implementation of its Informality Management for Compliance and Revenue Mobilization (IMCORE) programme. 

As a follow-up to a first series of activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of selected Ugandan MSMEs on accounting and reporting issues, UNCTAD and Enterprise Uganda – which hosts the Empretec programme in the country – are preparing targeted entrepreneurship capacity-building activities for MSMEs further to the Ministry’s request.

A group of 100 local youth entrepreneurs will benefit from an attitudinal and mindset transformational tool for empowering micro and small entrepreneurs called the Business and Enterprise Start-up Tool (BEST) workshop. 

The workshop will serve as preparatory training for a group of selected entrepreneurs who will attend the Empretec Entrepreneurship Training Workshop in January 2025.

The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Enterprise Uganda
Sponsor / funding:
Strategic Partnership between the Netherlands and UNCTAD (Entrepreneurship development and MSME support track)

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