Strengthening knowledge and skills through innovative approaches for inclusive sustainable economic development.
The TrainForTrade programme focuses on developing skills, knowledge and capacities through innovative development approaches based on a recognised pedagogical method and state-of-the-art technological solutions.
- Build sustainable networks of knowledge to enhance national ownership, South-South and triangular cooperation.
- Encourage development-oriented trade policy to reduce poverty and to promote transparency and good practices.
- Promote digital solutions and innovative thinking to enhance capacities of international trade players.
UNCTAD Serie de gestión portuaria - Volumen 13
Estudios de caso de la red de habla hispana
UNCTAD/DTL/TLB/2024/1 - 23 agosto 2024
UNCTAD Serie Gestión Portuaria - Volumen 11
Port Performance Indicators
UNCTAD/DTL/TLB/2023/2 - 16 oct. 2023
UNCTAD Port Management Series - Volume 9
Case studies on port management
UNCTAD/DTL/KDB/2021/1 - 01 Mar 2022
Harnessing fishery resources for socioeconomic development: Lessons for Angola and Haiti
UNCTAD/ALDC/INF/2021/5 - 11 enero 2022