Reunión Ad Hoc de Expertos: El papel de las leyes y las políticas de competencia en la promoción del comercio y el desarrollo sostenible, a través de la mejora de la competitividad interna e internacional de los países en desarrollo

07 julio 2014
Palais des Nations
, Suiza

Competition policy refers to government policy to preserve or promote competition among market players and to promote other government policies and processes that enable a competitive environment develop.

In 1980, the United Nations Conference on Restrictive Business Practices approved the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices (the so called "UN Set on Competition Policy"), a multilateral agreement providing a set of equitable rules for the control of anti-competitive practices, recognizes the development dimension of competition law and policy, and provides a framework for international operation and exchange of best practices.

As acknowledged by the Accra Accord (paragraph 104), UNCTAD is the focal point for work on competition policy and related consumer welfare within the United Nations system. It provides a forum to member States for intergovernmental policy dialogue and consensus-building in the area of competition laws and policies. UNCTAD should continue to be a forum to discuss competition issues on the multilateral level, with close linkages to existing networks of competition authorities, and to promote the use of competition law and policy as tools for achieving domestic and international competitiveness.

In this context, UNCTAD is organizing an Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on the Role of Competition Policy in Fostering Sustainable Growth and Development, to be held in Geneva (Palais des Nations, Room XVII) on Monday July 7 2014, preceding the 14th session of the IGE on Competition Policy.

Aware of the fact that growth and development depends on efforts carried out in many different fields and of the close linkages between competition, trade, IP and good governance policies, UNCTAD has invited officials from OECD, WIPO and WTO to discuss issues including Innovation, competitive neutrality and good governance policies (part I of the meeting), and Trade liberalisation, global value chains, IP rights and competitive neutrality within trade agreements (part II).

Short interventions by the four organizations on the above-mentioned themes will allow for strong debates and exchanges of experiences among themselves and the delegates attending the meeting, who are kindly encouraged to actively participate in the discussions.

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07 Jul 2014
07 Jul 2014

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