Ensuring Gender-Sensitive Implementation of the Post-2015 Development Framework

30 julio 2015

In its latest Policy Brief, UNCTAD presents suggestions on elements, data and considerations that — once the post-2015 “package” enters into force — may prove useful to assess whether sustainable development goals 1, 2, 5 and 17 are being implemented in a gender sensitive way.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have provided over the last decade an overarching framework for development.

As we near the end date for the achievement of the MDGs, it is clear that although a few targets have been met, a lot more remains to be done to fulfil the vision underlying the MDGs.

The consensus on the need of a new development framework has resulted in a proposed set of 17 ambitious and universal sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that delineate the areas of focus. Discussions are ongoing at the technical level on around 120 indicators that will be used to measure progress achieved.

The purpose of this policy brief is to offer stakeholders (government, civil society) some suggestions on elements and data that may help them to assess whether they are implementing the new framework in a gender-sensitive manner.

The suggestions are linked to the proposed goals, targets and indicators and are meant to guide the implementation process once the post-2015 "package" is agreed upon by member States.

While gender equality should be promoted throughout the goals, this brief offers suggestions on SDGs 1, 2, 5 and 17, the goals that are intimately related to the role of women as economic agents.

The elements suggested emerge from analytical studies conducted by UNCTAD on the gender impacts of macroeconomic policy, in particular trade policy.