Workshop on lessons learned from the UNCTAD pilot project on Technology Assessment in Africa

Workshop on lessons learned from the UNCTAD pilot project on Technology Assessment in Africa
23 octubre 2024
10:00 - 17:30 hrs. Room VII
Palais des Nations, Geneva (Hybrid)
, Switzerland

UNCTAD’s pilot project on technology assessment is approaching its conclusion as national TA Reports are being finalized using the bespoke TA Methodology proposed by UNCTAD. This international one-day workshop will take place on the 23rd of October 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. It will provide a platform for participants from the three beneficiary countries — South Africa, Seychelles, and Zambia — to share their national experiences with the completed technology assessment exercises, action plans and implementation strategies.

The workshop aims to foster an exchange of views on and lessons learned from the project and the piloting of the UNCTAD TA methodology, while also enhancing knowledge on TA and the specific technologies that were assessed (biogas technology in Zambia, agrivoltaics technology in Seychelles, and electrolyser technology for producing green hydrogen in South Africa).

This capacity-building event will gauge the interest of developing countries in implementing TA, the interest of international organizations and agencies carrying out work related to TA, and donors in supporting TA in developing countries. The event will also contribute to developing a comprehensive report on lessons learned across all beneficiary countries.

The workshop’s primary objective is to provide participants with a forum to share insights and lessons learned from their technology assessments, action plans, and implementation processes undertaken through the UNCTAD project. It will also serve as a venue for discussing guidelines and good practices for conducting technology assessments. It will also enable networking among experts interested in or actively engaged in TA, and hopefully contribute towards the establishment of an African TA Network.

Participants will include representatives from the three beneficiary countries, non-beneficiary countries and donors. Also invited are regional organizations from Africa, international organizations focusing on agricultural development and renewable energy transformation, and non-profit organizations working in these areas. Participants in the Intersessional Panel of the 28th session of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), scheduled for 21-22 October 2024, are encouraged to attend.

Topics for Discussion:

  • What lessons were learned from the pilot project on technology assessment in Africa and other developing countries?
  • How to ensure inclusive stakeholder participation and consideration of impacts on women, youth and marginalized groups?
  • What are good practices for conducting TA in developing countries?
  • What interest is there in other developing countries or international agencies in carrying out TA exercises?

How can donors support TA implementation in the three countries or TA in other interested developing countries?

Sponsor / funding:
Development account project: Technology assessment in the energy and agricultural sectors in Africa to accelerate progress on science, technology and innovation

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