NGER training workshop on coffee and tropical fruits in Uíge province, Angola / Workshop de formação da RNEV de Angola na província do Uíge

25 - 29 novembre 2019

UNCTAD will hold the National Green Exports Review (NGER) 3rd Training Workshop in the city of Uíge, in the northern Province of Uíge, Angola.

As part of UNCTAD’s Train for Trade II program in Angola, the TED Branch is implementing its Green Exports component by reaching out to small and medium-size producers within provinces in the interior of the country.

The training will focus on the following green products: coffee and tropical fruits, particularly the production of banana, with those products existing in that and nearby provinces, significant stakeholder attraction could be attained, including to develop other tropical fruits which have significant regional and global markets.

Potential for pineapple and muqua production exists as well, and this could also be examined. 

Sponsor / funding:
European Union / União Europeia

Português  |    
Sites correspondants:

EU-UNCTAD Joint Programme for Angola: Train for Trade II

1st training workshop of the National Green Export Review of Angola (Luanda, June 2018)

2nd training workshop of the National Green Export Review of Angola (Luena, June 2019)

Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch

Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Angola

Delegation of the European Union to Angola