UNCTAD15 pre-event: Productive capacities for the new decade

UNCTAD15 pre-event: Productive capacities for the new decade
26 mai 2021
17:30 - 19:00 hrs. Geneva time; 11:30 - 13:00 hrs., New York time

UNCTAD15 pre-event and LDC5 PrepCom side event


The development path followed to achieve the eligibility criteria for graduation has important implications for the challenges and vulnerabilities that each country will face after graduation, and the means at its disposal to address them. The dynamics that drive LDCs to achieve graduation matters also to their post-graduation performance. As UNCTAD argued, a country’s development process continues indefinitely beyond its graduation point, and its subsequent success depends critically on the foundations built in the course of graduation. How graduation is achieved is thus as important as when it is achieved. The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) identified at least three pathways leading to graduation with different implications for productive capacity and overall progress towards sustainable development. The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) addresses the components of the productive capacity-building process in the LDCs through its dedicated windows of support.


This event aims to provide a dialogue space for Geneva and New York-based member states and  the UN community to explore innovative strategies to undertake a Productive Capacities Gap Assessment so as to reach a common understanding of its role in the context of a smooth transition strategy for graduation with momentum. It further helps foster an exchange of views with panelists from the LDC group, UNCTAD, CDP, the EIF and the Technology Bank for LDCs and define modalities to further assist the LDCs by articulating new-generation policies and strategies centered on the fostering of productive capacities and structural economic transformation.  


Moderator: Mr. Jose Antonio Ocampo, Chair of the Committee for Development Policy


  • H.E. Perks Clemency Ligoya, Ambassador of Malawi to the UN in New York and Chair of the LDC Group
  • Ms. Isabelle Durant, Acting Secretary-General of UNCTAD
  • Mr. Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director of the Enhanced Integrated Framework Executive Secretariat
  • Mr. Joshua Phoho Setipa, Managing Director, Technology Bank for LDCs
  • Mr. Taffere Tesfachew, Principal Advisor, Ethiopian Investment Commission and leader of the Committee for Development Policy Sub-Group on LDCs

 Followed by exchange of views and Q & A.


The event will be held online in English via WebEx.


Watch event recording


The Enhanced Integrated Framework, the Committee for Development Policy and the Technology Bank for LDCs

English  |    



Least developed countries Least developed countries



Ms. Evelyn Benitez ( (Geneva)


Mr. Raymond Landveld ( (New York)