Papua New Guinea Vanilla Export Guide

Papua New Guinea Vanilla Export Guide

Green exports to foster sustainable development

The purpose of this export guide is to provide producers, processors and exporters of vanilla in Papua New Guinea with detailed information on the requirements and procedures to follow to export vanilla to customers and buyers worldwide.

Additionally, it aims to encourage and facilitate exports of vanilla to sustainability-oriented markets, which are expected to increase in volume in the coming years.

There is more to the task of exporting than just sending vanilla out to a customer. A lot of work usually precedes and follows the task of agreeing a sale, ensuring quality of the product, following all procedures as required by the Papua New Guinean authorities and that it meets international and specific customer standards.

t is envisioned that, by preparing this guide, anyone who is interested in becoming an exporter, will be fully aware of both the opportunities and the significant risks involved, but most importantly the considerable effort that it requires.

What are the expected benefits for exporters and Papua New Guinea?

In addition to the above, this guide will also serve to:

  1. Increase awareness among potential vanilla exporters regarding the minimum requirements expected by different countries and different customers.
  2. Strengthen and improve the institutional, logistical and supply network to facilitate vanilla production, transportation and export.
  3. Support Papua New Guinea’s vanilla industry through increased export of quality

Green trade as a central element of sustainable development

In 2020, the Melanesian region was introduced to the concept of green trade and Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) through a study conducted in Vanuatu by UNCTAD (2020).

Leveraging the knowledge gained from this initiative, UNCTAD and the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat lead the MSG Green Trade Project aimed to extend the benefits of green trade to the entire region, inclusive of the Papua New Guinea vanilla sector.

Significantly, green trade fosters inclusivity, offering opportunities for rural communities, including women and youth, to reap the benefits of sustainable economic growth and actively engage in trade activities.

Voluntary Sustainability Standards to improve the quality of exports

Although still new for policy makers, producers, processors and exporters of vanilla in Papua New Guinea, VSS markets are increasingly being used to guide quality exports for reassurance to customers and catch premium price. Organic quality vanilla is in demand in the highest paying markets such as Australia, the European Union, Japan and the United States of America.