Trade and Development in the State of Palestine: Through a Gender Lens

Trade and Development in the State of Palestine: Through a Gender Lens

This study looks at the socioeconomic structure of the OPT through a gender lens and investigates the interaction between trade and gender.

It distinguishes between women’s different economic roles as workers and entrepreneurs/business owners, and between different economic sectors such as agriculture, industry, and services. UNCTAD carried out a qualitative analysis of women’s participation in the economy and in trade in selected subsectors of the OPT during April-May 2022.

The olive oil sector was selected from agriculture due to its major role in Palestinian society and women’s significant participation in this sector.

The food products sector was selected from industry because it is traditionally a major sector in which women are highly involved.

Finally, the information and communications technology (ICT) sector was selected from services due to its significant potential for future growth prospects and women’s employment in the OPT.

The study proposes several policy recommendations to increase Palestinian women’s participation in the economy and to advance work on trade that strengthens women’s economic empowerment and gender equality in the society.