'Industry 4.0 and Creative Economy: Promoting Inclusive Ecosystem in the Digital Era”

08 juillet 2019
11:00 - 08:00 hrs.
, Autriche

UNCTAD, UNIDO and theGovernment of Indonesia raised awareness of the impact that technologicalprogress has had on industrial policy in the creative economy at a seminar in theVienna International Centre on 8 July 2019“The seminar is a proactiveplatform to find creative approaches to manage the transition to Industry 4.0”,said Indonesian Ambassador Darmansjah Djumala. “The exponentialtechnological progress of Industry 4.0 is causing a structural shift in all economicsectors and is changing the way businesses are managed”.

Marisa Henderson, Chief,Creative Economy in presented the findings of UNCTAD’sEconomy Outlook 2018, which highlights the importance of the Digital Economyfor Creative Industries and some nuances that need to be taken into account tounderstand the complexity of the issue.  “Thedigital sphere is a movement that has allowed for the rapid globalization ofideas and information. In turn, this has unlocked the creative economy’s growthpotential, although not equally for all” said Ms. Henderson.

“Advances in technologyhave revolutionized some of the creative industries such as advertising,publishing, crafts, etc., as well as their relationship with the rest ofthe economy”, added UNIDO Deputy Director Olga Memedovic. “Thecreative economy is centered on the dynamic interaction between creativity,culture, economics, and technology and has the potential to revitalizeurban and touristic areas, stimulate regional economic development, attractinvestment and create jobs for talented young people”.

UNIDO and the Government of Indonesia
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Ms. Marisa Henderson, Chief, Creative Economy Programme