Justification: The value of the global ocean-based economic sectors is estimated between USD 3-6 trillion/year . More than 3 billion people rely on the oceans for their livelihoods and more than 350 million jobs are linked to oceans worldwide . However, these numbers seem small if compared to the value that marine ecosystems services can provide to humanity. The value of the ecosystem is estimated at USD 30 billion annually and takes the form of oxygen clean water generation; temperature regulation; seaways; landscape services; and the provisions of fish and other essential marine resources. Today, many countries are realizing the importance of healthy, productive and resilient oceans and seas in the quest for a more sustainable future for all.
Objective: This side event will seek to raise awareness and to discuss novel international and regional approaches to address harmful incentives to marine biodiversity and ecosystem conservation and maximize the use of beneficial ones in key sustainable oceans economic sector such as fisheries and tourism, and their interlinkages under an ecosystem approach, for the advancement of SDG14 and Aichi targets.
05 décembre 2016
Youth Group Meeting Room, Sunrise building, Second Floor, Hotel Moon Palace
, Mexique
English |