UNCTAD created the Research Partnership Platform (RPP) in 2010 in order to respond to current challenges in the area of competition and consumer protection through joint research and policy analysis.
The RPP is an initiative that brings together researchers from academic institutions, universities, competition authorities and civil society.
It provides a platform where researchers can discuss current issues in competition and consumer protection policy, conduct joint research with UNCTAD and share their findings with their peers and competition and consumer protection law enforcers.
Through the RPP, UNCTAD aims at strengthening competition and consumer protection regimes in developing countries and economies in transition, by sharing best practices for effective law enforcement and policy design with a view to achieving sustainable development goals.
On the agenda at this year's meeting:
Presentation of research findings and new joint research projects.
Launch of the book, "Making Markets Work for Africa", by Eleanor Fox and Mor Bakhoum.
Panel discussion on digital economy, competition and consumer protection.
The Panel will discuss how to make digital economy an open and inclusive one, especially for local entrepreneurs.
What are the competition and consumer protection challenges brought by the digital economy, especially in developing countries?
The panellists will address the role of competition and consumer protection policies in addressing these challenges.


- Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, eighteenth session
- Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, fourth session
Competition Law and Policy and Consumer Protection Branch
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva Switzerland
T.: + 41 22 907 02 47
E-mail: competition@unctad.org