Maritime Webinar Series: The Crewing Crisis - Seafarers concerns in times of the pandemic and beyond

Maritime Webinar Series: The Crewing Crisis - Seafarers concerns in times of the pandemic and beyond
30 septembre 2021
15:00 - 16:00 hrs. CEST

The world’s seafarers have continued to demonstrate great professionalism and dedication during the COVID-19 pandemic, playing a vital role in delivering food, medical supplies, fuel, and other essential goods, and helping keep supply chains active and global commerce running. At the same time, some of the legal instruments and mechanisms designed to protect the health and safety of seafarers have not been adequately implemented or applied on the ground. This has exacerbated the crew change and repatriation crisis and has left many seafarers stranded at sea, facing individual and economic hardships, as well as lack of medical assistance. Held on the occasion of World Maritime Day 2021, dedicated to "Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future", the joint UNCTAD-ITF panel discussion will highlight related challenges and the urgent need for action to help ease the plight of seafarers and facilitate the safety and sustainability of shipping in times of pandemic and into the future.


  • Stephen Cotton, General Secretary of the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)


  • Brandt Wagner, Head, Transport and Maritime Unit, Sectoral Policies Department, International Labour Office (ILO)
  • Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President, World Maritime University (WMU)
  • Regina Asariotis, Chief, Policy and Legislation Section, Trade Logistics Branch, UNCTAD

Questions from participants


  • Jan Hoffmann, Head, Trade Logistics Branch, UNCTAD


Watch the webinar recording

International Transport Workers’ Federation

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