International Maritime and Transport Law


As part of its work on international maritime and transport law, UNCTAD carries out research and analysis and provides technical legal advice, to assist in the further development of international law as well as in the understanding of the often complex international legal framework with a view to promoting wide-spread adoption of relevant international legal instruments and assist in effective implementation at national levels.

A number of international conventions in the field of commercial maritime law were negotiated and adopted or substantively prepared under the auspices of UNCTAD. In addition, various sets of non-mandatory rules were adopted under the auspices of the organization. UNCTAD also contributed actively to work on the Rotterdam Rules under the auspices of UNCITRAL.

Our research and analysis focuses in particular on the carriage of goods and international trade law; regulatory responses to environmental challenges, such as ship-source pollution; conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources, including marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction; as well as maritime and supply-chain security, and seafarer issues. 

For further information and feedback, contact the Policy and Legislation Section at:

Maritime law gavel and ships wheen

Review of Maritime Transport 2024

Chapter 5: Making the legal and regulatory environment fit for purpose

  1. Commercial law implications of weather- and climate-related risks
  2. Combating fraudulent ship registration and registries: State of play and a way forward
  3. Policy considerations

Download Chapter 5


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