Scaling up the mobilization of public and private finance towards investing for the Sustainable Development Goals

Décisions adoptées par le Conseil du commerce et du développement 2022
Scaling up the mobilization of public and private finance towards investing for the Sustainable Development Goals
Conclusion concertée
Item 6
18 nov. 2022

The Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission,

Acknowledging the contribution of the UNCTAD programme on investment and enterprise to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals,

  1. Notes with concern the consequences of the cascading crises on investors’ confidence, the resulting current downward trend of foreign direct investment and the negative impact on the levels of investment required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals;
  2. Expresses satisfaction with the in-depth research and policy analysis conducted by the UNCTAD secretariat on investment and enterprise development, in particular the World Investment Report 2022: International Tax Reforms and Sustainable Investment, including the chapter on capital markets and sustainable finance;
  3. Expresses satisfaction with the presentation by the UNCTAD secretariat of the most recent global trends and policies in the area of investment for development, in particular through its Global Investment Trends Monitor and Sustainable Development Goals Investment Trends Monitor, and calls on the secretariat to continue reporting and monitoring investment trends and policies and their impact on development;
  4. Further commends UNCTAD for the successful development and launching of the online platform of its Global Sustainable Finance Observatory, and encourages the secretariat to further develop the initiative and to continue working with key stakeholders from the public and private sectors to make the financial system more sustainable and global in reach, including for the benefit of developing countries;
  5. Commends the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting on its thirty-ninth session, underscores the pivotal role played by sustainability reporting in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and acknowledges the work of UNCTAD in supporting its members in promoting reliable and comparable disclosures on financial and sustainability performance, including through the establishment of regional partnerships;
  6. Commends the UNCTAD secretariat for organizing the single-year Expert meeting on revisiting development strategies for small island developing States in the post-pandemic competitive landscape, and encourages UNCTAD to continue promoting the resilience of small island developing States by supporting their structural economic transformation;
  7. Requests UNCTAD to continue supporting the exchange of national experiences and dissemination of best practices in investment promotion, including through awards for promoting investment in the Sustainable Development Goals.