Launch of Pura Vida – Costa Rica’s sustainable seafood and aquaculture collective brand

Lanzamiento de Pura Vida, la marca colectiva de mariscos y acuicultura sostenibles de Costa Rica
11 noviembre 2021
08:00 - 19:00 hrs. Costa Rica time (GMT-6)

La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD) en cooperación con la División de Asuntos Oceánicos y Derecho del Mar (DOALOS) han desarrollado desde el 2018 y hasta el 2021, el proyecto “Estrategias coherentes de economía y comercio para los océanos” (OETS). Mediante este proyecto los países beneficiarios: Barbados, Belice y Costa Rica, han definido acciones prioritarias para apoyar el comercio sostenible de productos y servicios en los sectores económicos dependientes del océano. Gracias a este proyecto, se ha desarrollado en Costa Rica la marca colectiva Pura Vida Costa Rican Seafood and Aquaculture, con el fin de identificar productos pesqueros y acuícolas de Costa Rica que cumplen con una serie de condiciones que promueven la sostenibilidad en los ámbitos social, económico y ambiental, desde su producción hasta su entrega al consumidor. Esta marca colectiva es promovida en el país por el Ministerio de Comercio Exterior (COMEX), Instituto Costarricense de Pesca y Acuicultura (INCOPESCA) y la Cámara Nacional de Empresas de Productos Pesqueros (CANEPP) y será lanzada al público en general en el mes de noviembre.

Es por esta razón que la UNCTAD y DOALOS ha patrocinado el evento de entrenamiento y lanzamiento de la marca, destinado a potenciales usuarios y consumidores nacionales e internacionales, respectivamente. La organización de este evento está a cargo de la Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia (FUNPADEM), la cual funciona como ente intermediario entre el donante y los puntos focales en el país, para el desarrollo adecuado del proceso de elaboración y obtención de productos necesarios para el lanzamiento de la marca colectiva.  Este evento de entrenamiento y lanzamiento de la marca se llevará a cabo de manera presencial el día 11 de noviembre de 2021 en la provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica y contará con la participación de personas involucradas en la obtención de productos del mar y la acuicultura en el país.

El programa del evento incluye un módulo de entrenamiento en el cual se abordarán temas generales sobre el proyecto de Economía de los Océanos, información sobre marcas colectivas y se capacitará a los asistentes en temas sobre reglamento de uso, componentes gráficos y su modo de empleo, así como la estrategia de promoción y alcances de la marca colectiva Pura Vida Costa Rican Seafood and Aquaculture. Estos módulos serán impartidos por la UNCTAD, DOALOS y profesionales en mercadeo y propiedad intelectual. Posteriormente, se llevará a cabo el lanzamiento de la marca al público en general, en donde se presentará la marca, usos y alcances a otros posibles usuarios y principalmente a los eventuales consumidores de la misma. Durante el día y en las diferentes etapas del evento, se contará con la participación de representantes de la CANEPP, INCOPESCA, COMEX, DOALOS y UNCTAD.

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It will start working tomorrow at 3:00 pm Geneva time
10 Nov 2021
Adriana Álvarez Olaso, Marketing Consultant UNCTAD
11 Nov 2021
Eduardo Rojas Piedra, Socio Fundador, ERP Lawyers & Associates
11 Nov 2021

Rebeca Grynspan
UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Rebeca Grynspan, of Costa Rica, became UNCTAD's eighth Secretary-General on 13 September 2021 and is the first woman to lead the organization.

Prior to her UNCTAD appointment, she was the Ibero-American secretary-general from 2014 to 2021, also the first woman to head the organization. During her mandate, she has coordinated the 22-member Iberoamerican Conference and led four key summits of Heads of State and Government. 

In 2010 she was appointed Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and prior to that was UNDP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean.  

Prior to joining the United Nations, Ms. Grynspan served as Vice-President of Costa Rica from 1994 to 1998. She was also Minister of Housing, Minister Coordinator of Economic and Social Affairs, and Deputy Minister of Finance. In 2021 she was named Special International Advisor to the newly created Economic and Social Council of Argentina and invited to join as member of the G20 High-Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.

In addition to her experience as a lecturer and advisor to several international organizations, she has been actively involved in key United Nations initiatives, such as the Millennium Project's Task Force on Poverty and Economic Development and the High-level Panel on Financing for Development.  

In 2014 and 2015, she was recognized as one of the 50 leading intellectuals of Latin America.  And she was recognized as one of the 100 most powerful women in Central America by Forbes magazine.

Ms Grynspan holds a degree in Economics by the University of Costa Rica and a MSc in Economics by the University of Sussex. She has been awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the University of Salamanca, the University of Extremadura and the European University of Madrid in recognition of her outstanding professional achievements. 

Andrés Valenciano Yamuni
Minister of Foreign Trade
Government of Costa Rica

Andres Valenciano Yamuni was sworn in as Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica on November 24th, 2020. He is responsible for Costa Rican foreign trade policies and attraction of foreign investment, as well as the representation before several multilateral organizations, such as SIECA, the WTO, and the OECD.

Minister Valenciano Yamuni has over 15 years of professional experience. He is an Industrial Engineer graduated from the University of Costa Rica, with a Master degree in International Business from The Fletcher School - Tufts University in the United States of America, and he’s a Lee Kuan Yew School Senior Fellow from the National University of Singapore. He has led research studies and projects related to social and economic development in over 12 countries in three continents. Before becoming Minister, he was the Executive President of the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje, where he was in charge of technical and vocational education in the country. Mr. Valenciano Yamuni was awarded as one of the “40 under 40” for contributions to Costa Rican society in 2013 and is part of the Advisory Council of the “State of the Nation” program.

David Vivas Eugui
Chief (a.i) of the Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development Branch
UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

David Vivas Eugui is Chief (a.i) of the Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development Branch at UNCTAD.

Previously, he was a Senior Economic Affairs Officer in UNCTAD’s Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, Deputy Programmes Director at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Senior Attorney at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL),  Attaché for Legal Affairs at the Mission of Venezuela to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Staff Attorney at the Venezuelan Institute of Foreign Trade. David is an international expert with more than 20 years of experience on legal and economic issues.

He has worked as an advisor and consultant for various institutions, international and national organizations and has lectured on intellectual property, trade, oceans economy and environmental law at the University of Strasbourg (CEIPI), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), Maastricht University (the Netherlands), WIPO Distant Learning Academy, and University of Business and International Studies (Switzerland).

He holds a JD from the Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, an LLM from Georgetown University and a Master in Transnational Business from the Universidad Externado de Colombia.

François Bailet
Senior Legal Officer

François Bailet, BSc (Environmental Sciences), Diplôme d'Étude Approfondies (Law and Economics of Development) and PhD (International Public Law) with almost 30 years of experience working in oceans and the law of the sea, including assisting States and intergovernmental organizations in developing and implementing ocean governance frameworks at all levels, and in building related human and institutional capacity.

Francois is currently Senior Legal Officer in the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs where he heads up the Capacity-Building and Trust Funds Unit of the. He also coordinates the Division’s Maritime Security and Blue Economy clusters and leads the United Nations marking of World Oceans Day. He founded the United Nations – Nippon Fellowship Programme, and has served as the Secretary of the General Assembly’s Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects which produced the first World Ocean Assessment.

Formerly, Francois served as the late Elisabeth Mann Borgese’s Special Assistant until her passing in 2002, after which he was appointed Deputy Executive Director of the International Ocean Institute Network (IOI), then Expert Advisor in Ocean Governance to the IOI, and Honorary Adviser to the President of IOI.  He also led the Organization’s delegations to numerous international, regional and national ocean law and policy processes, including those of the United Nations. Francois has held several Adjunct academic appointments, and served as Founding Member and Member of various boards and advisory bodies.

Vladimir Jares

Mr. Vladimir Jares is the Director of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. He has dealt with many issues concerning the law of the sea, in particular those related to the implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and related Agreements. Since 1997, he has been involved in providing services to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and has served as its Secretary. He has also been involved in capacity-building activities of the Division, delivering many of its training courses, including on UNCLOS article 76 implementation.


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Trade and environment Trade and environment





Mr David Vivas Eugui, Legal Officer

Ms Claudia Contreras, Economic Affairs Officer

Ms Maria Durleva, Trade and Environment Consultant


Mr. Francois Bailet, Legal Officer

Mr. Fernando Cabrera