Transforming4Trade - Paradigm shift to boost economic development

Transforming4Trade - Paradigm shift to boost economic development
17 septembre 2023
11:45 - 13:15 hrs.
Conference Room 1, United Nations Headquarters
, United States of America

UNCTAD's High Impact Initiative - Transforming4Trade - aims to help countries foster economy-wide productive capacities and achieve structural economic transformation.

Because systemic and structural vulnerability of economies to shocks is the result of weak productive capacities and inability to produce goods and services with more value added, the programme focuses on enabling productive capacities.

Transforming4Trade particularly focuses on strategic pillars for socio-economic development (such as agriculture, agro-processing, manufacturing, creative economy, and the blue economy) as well as the key drivers or enablers of growth and transformation (such as energy, ICTs, infrastructure, private sector and institutions).


The event is devoted to a high-level exchange of views on the comprehensive approach to development through the design and implementation of holistic programmes for structural economic transformation.

The key objective is to re-orient development policies and global partnerships towards new generation policies centered on the fostering of productive capacities to kickstart structural economic transformation, as the surest way to build socioeconomic resilience to internal and external shocks.

The event will be an opportunity to share success stories from the piloting of the approach in Angola, as well as operational and policy lessons learned from the development of similar programmes.

Participants will include senior government officials, senior United Nations officials, representatives of development partners, national, regional, and international experts in the field of economic development and representatives of the private sector and civil society.

Registration information

The deadline to register for participation is 8 September 2023.

If you have a valid UN Grounds Pass:

Anyone with a valid UN Grounds Pass, including members of official government delegations, UN Entities, IGOs, media and Civil Society Representatives, will be able to access UNHQ premises on 16 -17 September without the need for additional registration.

If you DO NOT have a valid UN Grounds Pass (Until 8 September 2023):

All interested participants without a valid UN grounds pass will need to request registration to receive a Special Events Ticket. This includes those who are NOT members of the official delegations of Member States/GA-accredited IGOs/specialized agencies to GA78.

Please use this form to request registration:

The event will be broadcast live. Follow the session on UN WebTV.

Collaborating agencies: UNIDO and DESA.

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Sites correspondants:



Africa Africa Least developed countries Least developed countries




Mr. Mussie Delelegn
Acting Head, Productive Capacities and Sustainable Development Branch
Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes

Mr. Olivier Combe
Programme Management Officer
Office of the Secretary-General