English version - Versión española
Dans le cadre du projet " Renforcement des capacités de gestion des systèmes d'information sur la dette en Guinée ", le Programme SYGADE a organisé deux activités consécutives du 24 janvier au 23 février 2023, une formation avancée sur le SYGADE 6 et un atelier sur la production d'un bulletin statistique.
The objective of this activity was to enhance the capacity of twenty debt officers from the National Directorate of Debt and Official Development Assistance of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Guinea to produce debt reports and debt statistics.
The first part of the activity was dedicated to a functional training on advanced report generation and data validation as a prerequisite for the creation of a debt bulletin. Mr. Tchaa Abidji, DMFAS consultant, trained the participants in the DMFAS Reports Module, including in the use of the Query Tool. At the end of this 1st part, participants were confident in producing and exporting data.
The second part of the training was dedicated to debt statistics during which Mr. Murillo, DMFAS trainer, gave a detailed description of the debt statistics concepts and best practices for drafting and publishing debt bulletins, including those the international standards developed in the "Public Debt Statistics: A Guide for Statisticians and Users".
Fruitful discussions took place on the concepts and challenges faced in the dissemination of different levels of coverage of debt data (public debt, general government debt...). The training resulted in the development of a timetable for the preparation and dissemination of a debt bulletin as well as a draft debt statistics bulletin. This first draft contains 17 tables, a glossary and a series of graphs in line with international standards set by the Bretton Woods institutions. This draft is currently being reviewed by the Guinean authorities.
The country will shortly publish its first debt bulletin for the public at large, one year after the start of the DMFAS project.