DMFAS Advisory group

Advisory Group 2022 English
A forum for all DMFAS stakeholders
The DMFAS Advisory Group was created in response to Trade and Development Board - Decision 462 (XLVII) to advise the Secretary-General on a range of issues related to the management of the Programme. The Group is composed of representatives of all interested Member States of UNCTAD, existing and potential donors, partner organizations and the UNCTAD Secretariat. The last meeting of the DMFAS Advisory Group took place on 8 and 9 December 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland. 
The Advisory Group’s terms of reference are to advise UNCTAD’s Secretary-General on:
  • policy issues relating to the development and implementation of the Debt Management-DMFAS Programme’s multi-year Strategic plan;
  • the development and implementation of the DMFAS Programme’s work programme;
  • the financial planning of the Programme, the DMFAS Trust Fund and other issues relating to financial sustainability of the Programme;
  • other issues relating to the policy and direction of the Programme.
Decision Making. Decisions taken in the Advisory Group are on the basis of consensus and are delivered to the Secretary-General in the form of a report on the conclusions of Advisory Group meetings.
Meetings, Timing and Location. Meetings are held over two days every two years in conjunction with UNCTAD’s Debt Management Conference, which is held every second year in Geneva, Switzerland, during the last calendar quarter.
Secretariat functions of the Advisory Group are the responsibility of the UNCTAD Secretariat, including the provision of meeting logistics.
Donor consultations. The bilateral donors to the Programme, as a specific group of stakeholders within the Advisory Group, meet once per year with the management of the DMFAS Programme to discuss the directions, priorities and financial resourcing of the Programme’s work. The conclusions of these meetings are reported to the Secretary- General of UNCTAD.
Meeting room