The DMFAS Programme follows four-year strategic plans, based on a performance framework which clearly states the outputs, activities and indicators of achievement for each of the Programme’s objectives.
The new 2020-2024 DMFAS strategic plan establishes a forward-looking program for the DMFAS Programme to deliver high quality, very relevant technical assistance to developing countries in response to their debt management needs over the five-year period 2020-2024.
The plan builds on the success and lessons learned of the Programme's previous strategic plan, and addresses recent and expected developments in debt management. It also takes account of the recommendations of recent external evaluations of the programme and the recommendations of the DMFAS Advisory Group.
The overall purpose is to contribute to improvements in debt data transparency through helping developing and transition countries to strengthen their capacity for debt data recording, reporting and monitoring. The resulting improvements in debt data will contribute to improved debt management, risk management and debt sustainability analysis.
These downstream areas can be considered 'the Foundations of Effective Debt Management' because they are pre-requisites for the other debt management functions to perform effectively.
The overall development objective is strengthen governments’ capacity to manage their debt effectively and sustainably in support of poverty reduction, development, transparency and good governance.
Previous DMFAS Strategic Plans: