Videos and Photos

Photos UNCTAD Debt Management Conference

Videos on Public Debt Management 

The videos included in this section are not UNCTAD videos. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNCTAD.

  • Debt Portfolio Composition and Risk Management

    This presentation in English was given by Diego Rivetti, Project Manager - UNCTAD DMFAS Programme, during the UNCTAD Debt Management Conference (11-13 November 2013).
  • Comprendre la dette publique (en quelques minutes)

    This video in French explains in few minutes what the monetary creation through debt, the Fractional Reserve Banking, and the article 123 in the Lisbon treaty are.
  • European debt crisis explained

    This presentation in English from Chris Ciovacco, Ciovacco Capital Management, explores when does debt become unsustainable? The presentation shows that the debt levels of numerous countries have reached "problem" levels. Since the bill coming due in the form of maturing bonds is so large, policymakers in Europe have no easy way out. "Solutions" may include printing money to create inflation or debt restructurings/defaults; or a combination of the two. It compares healthy markets to the current state of affairs.
  • UNCTAD Virtual Institute offers 2 videos by Ugo Panizza of UNCTAD's Division on Globalization and Development Strategies,on public debt:

    Reality check: the truth about public debt (I). In the first of this two-part Vi multimedia resource, Ugo Panizza, reveals the facts of life of public debt: why countries borrow, why they sometimes borrow too much, and why they get into debt crises. Challenging the standard view with findings based on statistical analysis, Panizza reveals the "unexplained" part of sovereign debt.

    Sovereign debt and debt crisis (II). Armed with the facts, Ugo Panizza, of UNCTAD's Division on
    Globalization and Development Strategies, dedicates the second part of his presentation to
    proposing appropriate fiscal policies to avoid -- or deal with -- debt "explosions."
  • La dette publique: It comprises 4 videos in French covering the following subjects:


    a. Le budget de l'État
    b. Combler le déficit public 


    - Éviter le catastrophisme par des comparaisons appropriées
    - Non pertinence de la comparaison PIB / Dette


    - Le principal
    - Les intérêts
    - La réputation financière


    a. Rembourser
      - Équilibrer les budgets
      - Vendre les propriétés de l'État

    b. Ne pas rembourser
      - Rééchelonnement et restructuration
      - Monétisation et inflation 

  • La dette publique: It comprises 4 videos in French covering the following subjects:

    Debt Crisis Prevention and Management - UNCTAD XIII Panel Discussion, 22 April 2012
    Discussing experiences of debt crises prevention and management. Announcing the beginning of the endorsement and implementation process of the principles on responsible sovereign lending and borrowing. Running time: 02:24:30. In English only.

    UNCTAD on the crisis, 13 February 2013 (Interview)
    Doireann Mc Dermott speaks to Alfredo Calcagno, Head of Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch about UNCTAD´s current views on the economic crisis and discusses alternative options. Running time: 09:25. In English only.