9th Annual General Assembly of the Global Network of Eximbanks and Development Finance Institutions G-NEXID

07 - 08 October 2014
Panama City
, Panama

The 9th Annual General Assembly of the Global Network of Eximbanks and Development Finance Institutions G-NEXID will be an opportunity to discuss administrative and organizational issues as well as ways to foster membership mobilisation among the community of national and regional development banks, associations, and networks.

The General Assembly will be the first chaired by the Foreign Trade Bank of Latin America, Inc. (BLADEX), institution that holds the Presidency of the network since June, 2013.

Previous to the General Assembly, G-NEXID has organized a Focal Group of members which is an example of how Eximbanks and DFIs from very distant locations discuss ways of promoting South - South cooperation and discuss cross financing and project participation.

The president Rubens Amaral (CEO BLADEX) has launched a challenging work programme including, among others, enhancing the potential for technical assistance with UNCTAD support; assess the possibility of organizing workshops, seminars, among other, involving Eximbanks, development banks and other interested institutions to discuss the potentialities of South-South financing, and maintaining active the network through the Focal Group.

The meeting coincides with the celebration of the 100 years of the Panama Canal.

Participants to the Annual Meeting include representatives from the African Export -Import Bank, BLADEX, East African Development Bank (EADB), the Development Bank of Latin America - CAF -, Eximbank INDIA, Nigerian Export-Import Bank, PTA Bank Development Bank of Zambia and UNCTAD as an Observer.


The Global Network of Export-Import Banks and Development Finance Institutions (G-NEXID) initiative was launched in June 2004 in Rio de Janeiro during meetings held in preparation for the UNCTAD XI conference. The network was launched in Geneva (2006) and an MOU between UNCTAD and G-NEXID was signed on September, 2011.

G-NEXID is a dynamic institutional response to the emerging trends in international trade, where South-South trade has been impressive in quantity and quality.

UNCTAD has been facilitating and assisting Eximbanks and DFIs to establish partnerships for development, via G-NEXID, in addition to providing advisory services and research-based technical assistance to support the Network´s operations and build its institutional capacity.

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