Solutions Alliance Thematic Meeting on The Role of the Private Sector in Solutions for Displacement

06 - 07 July 2015
Palais des Nations, Room XXVII
, Switzerland

The Solutions Alliance thematic meeting will explore challenges and opportunities in the creation of mutually beneficial partnerships among companies, humanitarian and development actors,  displaced persons and host communities.

The Thematic Group 'Engaging the Private Sector in Finding Solutions for Displacement' was launched in Geneva on 20 June 2014 under the Solutions Alliance. The Group will explore ways of better engaging with the private sector – local small and medium sized enterprises as well as international companies – and harness their contribution to turning displacement challenges into development opportunities.

The Group aims to unlock the economic value displaced persons bring to host communities and their economies, while finding ways to address the socio-economic tensions that may emerge when sudden influxes of populations occur. Members will look into opportunities to promote linkages between the private sector and the nascent and often informal economies of displacement-affected areas.

Based on the ‘creating shared value’ approach, the Group will explore practical ways of engaging the private sector in the creation of sustainable employment and livelihoods opportunities for displaced persons and host community members, while also benefitting partner companies and restoring sustainable development pathways.


Govermment of Japan, ILO, ITC, Oxford University, SPARK, UNDP, and UNHCR

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