UNCTAD meets with Brazilian circular economy researchers at USP Winter Working Week 2017

05 - 07 July 2017
University of Sao Paulo
Ribeirao Preto
, Brazil

ditc-ted-05072017-brazil-Pipe-400.jpg​UNCTAD’s ongoing work on circular economy focuses on supporting the work of Ellen McArthur Foundation in preparing circular economy assessments for key sectors with trade impacts in the major developing economies in India and China. As the interest in the concept expands globally, UNCTAD will join an event hosted by the University of Sao Paulo (FEARP-USP) which will gather a number of academics, business leaders and civil society representatives working with various dimensions of circularity in Brazil.

Professor Aldo Roberto Ometto from the engineering school of University of Sao Paulo will present on July 5th his work on Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship, focusing on social impacts and new development models. His presentation will include the ongoing work as coordinator of University of Sao Paulo’s participation in the Pioneer University network for circular economy education. Mr. Henrique Pacini from UNCTAD will discuss UNCTAD’s ongoing contribution to projects in India and China.

On July 7, the University of Sao Paulo will host a roundtable with a representative of São Francisco Bioenergy Plant, Mr. Fernando Alonso de Oliveira, as well as project-design specialist Prof. Ian Thomson and Mr. Henrique Pacini from UNCTAD, who will discuss linkages between circularity and organic agriculture production that is at the same time economically viable. The case of the Native organic sugar brand will be discussed. Prof. Weber Amaral from ESALQ-USP and Prof. Ometto will present their cooperation platform to facilitate deployment of circular economy principles into industry and agriculture.

This work is part of activities carried out under an MoU between UNCTAD and the University of Sao Paulo, as well as an UNCTAD-EMF MoU to be signed in 2017, and relates to UNCTAD’s ongoing efforts to promote better resource utilization and sustainable organic agriculture worldwide.

University of Sao Paulo

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Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch


TED Branch, Organic Agriculture topic



Winter Working Week, 2017




Trade and environment Trade and environment


Mr. Henrique Pacini