UNCTAD Port Management Programme (PMP) Launch of Cycle 4 and delivery of Modules 1 and 2

20 February - 03 March 2017
, Indonesia

​Mark Assaf, along with a port expert from Ireland will launch Cycle 4 of the Port Management Programme (PMP) in Indonesia and deliver Modules 1 and 2 of the Modern Port Management Course, which comprises topics on International Trade and Transport and Organization of a Port System, respectively. A planning session will also take place with the representatives of PELINDO I, II, III and IV to determine the future strategies for Cycle 4 for the PMP in Indonesia.

Indonesia has completed the 3rd cycle of the programme in 2015, wherein the deliveries were alternatively lead by UNCTAD and international instructors (Irish port experts) as well local senior managers who have already completed the training-of-trainers workshop. Each training cycle lasts 16 to 24 months and comprises 240 hours of in-class training and a final thesis.

This strategy highlights the uniqueness and strength of the TrainForTrade Port Management Programme. Local ownership is fostered which reinforces the training's impact and ensures the programme's sustainability. Local ownership of the programme is achieved through a financing scheme that requires the participating ports to provide the majority of the programme's funds, and by gradually shifting responsibility for implementing the programme from UNCTAD to the participating ports.

Indonesia Port Corporation II (IPC)
Sponsor / funding:
Irish Aid and Indonesia Port Corporation II

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Mark Assaf
Chief, Human Resources Development Section/TrainForTrade
T. +41 22 917 5481
Aylwin Zabula
Information Systems Officer
Human Resources Development Section/TrainForTrade
T. +41 22 917 5306