Virtual Capacity-Building Workshop on “How Competition Authorities Act Against Cartels and Abuse of Dominant Position in the Tme of COVID-19 Pandemic?”

23 July 2020

Event begins at 14:00 Phnom Penh time, 13:30 Naypyitaw time and ends at 16:00 Phnom Penh time, 15:30 Naypyitaw time via via Microsoft Teams.

Upon the request of Cambodia Competition Department of Consumer Protection Competition and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CCF) on 9 July 2020, the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch of UNCTAD will organise a virtual training session on cartels and abuse of dominant position in the time of COVID-19 pandemic to be held on 23 July 2020. In consultation with CCF from Cambodia, staff from the Myanmar Competition Commission will also take part of this virtual workshop.

This training workshop will address two main areas of anticompetitive practices in the context of COVID-19: cartels and abuse of dominance, and will cover initiatives that competition authorities are taking to deal with those practices, and challenges that especially those young competition authorities are facing.
Sponsor / funding:
UNCTAD’s Competition and Consumer Policies Branch

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