China’s commerce minister praises UNCTAD’s ‘invaluable role’ during the last 50 years

13 June 2014

​Gao Hucheng, Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, says China will continue to strengthen its cooperation with UNCTAD in sharing development experience.

On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, I would like to warmly congratulate on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Over the past 50 years, UNCTAD has always been committed to promote development of all the member states, especially developing countries worldwide, and has played an invaluable role in promoting world trade and economic development, facilitating South-South cooperation and South-North dialogue, supporting the participation of developing countries in the multilateral trade and economic affairs and protecting their interests. China hopes that UNCTAD will maintain its unique advantage in trade and development, play a more active role in the formulation of the post-2015 Development Agenda and global economic governance, and make greater contribution to the inclusive and sustainable development of developing countries.

I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that the Chinese government will continue to strengthen cooperation with UNCTAD, sharing our development experience with other developing countries to address global challenges together.


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