Rodrigo Rupérez

Rodrigo Rupérez
UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Rodrigo Rupérez is a consultant for UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on supply chain and voluntary sustainability standards (VSS).

He has worked for APEC, CARICOM and Comunidad Andina (CAM) developing and implementing sustainable development projects in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and the Caribbean region. Awarded in 2021 by the Social Impact Accelerator (SIA), the first pan-European public-private partnership led by the European Investment Bank Group.

Committed to sustainability, his expertise and interests include sustainable value chain, trade, social development and renewable energies. Rodrigo holds an MBA from IESE Business School, research-proficient studies in Science History from the University of Valladolid and a degree in Business and Economics from the University of Navarra.