Investor aftercare masterclass and forum

29 - 30 May 2024
, Italy

The 2-day combined activity, Master Class and a Forum for investment promotion officials in charge of investor aftercare took place in the city of Florence organised by Cities & Collaboration and hosted by Invest in Tuscany

The 1-day Aftercare Masterclass on 29 May 2024 was the opportunity to provide aftercare professionals with the latest trends in international investment flows, its attraction and retention and expansion through aftercare but also on how to ensure positive impact on sustainable development.

For Aftercare Forum next day, UNCTAD moderated the morning sessions facilitating the exchanges
on different but related topics.


Main takeaways concerning UNCTAD intervention:

  • The investment gap to reach the SDGs has only widen. Investor aftercare can help closing
    the gap with dedicated strategies to retain and foster reinvestment and expansion of
    established investors in key areas for Agenda 2030.
  • The current geopolitical situation requires more aftercare. On shoring, nearshoring and
    friend shoring investment policies and regulations make FDI retention strategies an
    imperative, for which investor aftercare is key.
  • Aftercare professionals could serve as entry points for the implementation of the WTO
    Investment Facilitation Agreement for Development (IFAD).


30 May 2024

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