Basic debt fact sheets

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Start your learning journey on Basic Debt Concepts with fact sheets designed for DMFAS users

You just joined the debt office and expected to receive training on debt management and the tasks you need to perform, including the use of DMFAS. Maybe it didn’t happen or maybe it came a bit late. 

Most of us learn on the job, relying on our colleagues’ experience to show us how to do our work. Hopefully, this will also work for you! We are often given reference material, in this case loads of books and guides to help us grasp terms and concepts used in a debt office…. and they are usually massive!

Now, imagine that short, digestible information is available to you whenever you have a question related to debt. For example, is a loan denominated in foreign currency an external debt? Is the Asian Development Bank an official bilateral creditor? Is a debt security of one year short- or long-term debt? Does it really matter if I recorded a wrong disbursement amount in DMFAS? 

The set of 25 fact sheets on basic debt concepts provides you with answers to all these questions...and many others! Their size has been limited to 2 to 4 pages so you can learn a concept in no time, right when you need it.

Fact sheets are numbered and logically structured. You may wish to read them in sequential order if your objective is to train yourself in basic debt concepts. You may also pick up a single fact sheet on a “as needed” basis, which is fine as they have been designed to be used as stand-alone material.

Whichever way you use them, we hope that they will help you in your job!

Where to find them? In the client area of the DMFAS website (Self-learning material section).