DMFAS functional training in Rio Negro

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In the framework of the project with the Ministry of Economy (MoE) of the Province of Rio Negro, Argentina, two training sessions were held from September 14 to 25 and October 5 to 19. The first was on basic functions and the second on advanced functions of DMFAS 6. The activities were carried out from the DMFAS Regional Center in Buenos Aires.

The particularity of this training is that it has delivered online, given the travel restrictions in place since the COVID-19 pandemic..

During this activity, pioneer in the region, three new agents of the Secretariat of Finance and Public Debt (SFyDP in Spanish) have been trained. The amendment to the current project contemplates other more specific and advanced activities for the improvement of the province's statistics through the use of new functionalities that will be incorporated to the DMFAS 6. In addition, with the incorporation of new personnel to the SFyDP, it has become necessary to provide the new DMFAS users with the necessary tools for its use.

The workshop combined theoretical sessions of two hours a day, followed by practice and homework assignments to participants. Reading material was also provided and evaluations were made on the content covered at the end of each training.

Another important issue is that the training was based entirely on concrete cases of provincial indebtedness, as well as on the analysis and reproduction of reports currently being generated by the province.

Rio negro logoThe Ministry of Economy of the Province of Rio Negro has been the first user institution of DMFAS at the sub-national level. The first installation of the system, at that time the SIGADE 5.2, was made in 2000 and since then successive versions of the system have been installed. DMFAS is integrated with the financial information system of the province (SAFyC).

Rio Negro