Uganda DMFAS 6 advanced functional training

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DMFAS online functional training in Uganda

In continuing its efforts to provide support to DMFAS user countries, the DMFAS Programme organized a remote DMFAS training workshop with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) of Uganda between September 28 and October 23 2020. The workshop provided advanced training on DMFAS functionalities to more than 20 participants from the MoFPED. The Bank of Uganda also took part in the event. The workshop also benefited from MEFMI’s participation as an observer. 

The workshUganda_1op was a follow-up training activity within the framework of an existing technical cooperation project with the MoFPED. The previous training was held in Kampala in February 2020. As the Covid-related travel restrictions remained in force, the MoFPED and UNCTAD agreed to continue the implementation of the planned project activities remotely. 

To accommodate training participation and ongoing work activities at the MoFPED, the original two-week course was organized over four weeks. The workshop combined half-day training sessions, practice, and work on assignments by participants between sessions with support from the trainers, and additional ad-hoc training sessions on specific topics.   

Each session was followed by homework so that participants could practice lessons learned during the morning sessions. The tools used allowed the DMFAS trainer to work on the MoFPED’s DMFAS installation and participants could also connect to the trainer’s DMFAS installation, exactly as during standard DMFAS in-country training activities.

“The valuable outcome of this training workshop is getting users to fully appreciate the system and be able to run meaningful reports”

JENNIFER MUHURUZI, Head of the debt management office, for the Accountant General
Closing remarks, 23 October 2020


The Accountant General commended UNCTAD for having organized the activity and expressed his deep gratitude for the continued support offered to strengthen debt management capacities in Uganda.

“Special thanks go to the UNCTAD team for initiating the idea of a virtual training and facilitating the first of this kind; an action which clearly demonstrates that even amidst Covid 19 challenges, there is still a silver lining as we continue to explore new ways of doing business. It is for this reason that I am expressing my deep gratitude to the UNCTAD for its continued support to Debt management.“

JENNIFER MUHURUZI, Head of the debt management office, for the Accountant General, Closing remarks, 23 October 2020

Uganda_3MEFMI equally shared its full satisfaction for this type of activity and said that they are looking forward to collaborating with the DMFAS Programme in its continued support to its member countries using DMFAS.