Multi-year Expert Meeting on Transport, Trade Logistics and Trade Facilitation

21 - 24 October 2013
Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

HL-086_300x217.jpgTransport and logistics innovation towards the review of the Almaty Programme of Action in 2014

The terms of reference adopted by the Trade and Development Board for the Multi-year Expert Meeting state that the first session will aim to look at opportunities for landlocked developing countries to design and implement, in cooperation with neighbouring transit developing countries, mutually beneficial transport and logistics solutions.

In examining the progress made in the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action, experts will also review and evaluate transport and logistics innovative arrangements.

The main impediments faced by landlocked developing countries in accessing overseas markets are well known and have been extensively documented. These obstacles may be seen as both physical, in terms of remoteness from world overseas partners, and operational, in terms of dependence upon trade and transport facilities and services existing in neighbouring coastal countries. The degree to which both types of obstacles affect trade competitiveness of landlocked developing countries depends in turn on institutional, regulatory and technological factors that may hinder or, on the contrary, enhance the efficient functioning of transit systems. As a result, and depending on the weight of additional transaction costs to be borne, landlocked developing countries will be able to trade more or less with overseas markets.

In acknowledging this, the aim of any initiative to improve transit transport systems can only be geared towards a single, clear objective: to remove all possible obstacles so as to enable the access of landlocked countries to logistics systems at least equal to the conditions enjoyed by their counterparts in coastal countries.

Despite the simplicity of the aim, there are many dimensions to the improvement of transit logistics chains including: the policy environment, transit arrangements establishing regulatory and institutional frameworks, transit transport corridors as management and operational structures.

This meeting will primarily examine recent developments in transit transport arrangements and their relevance for transit-transport-enabling policies; and, the role that innovation and technology can play in the design and enforcement of such policies.

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21 Oct 2013
(TD/B/C.I/MEM.7/INF.1) -  04 Nov 2013
(TD/B/C.I/MEM.7/1) -  11 Aug 2013  -  Agenda item 2 
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21 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 
21 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 
22 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 
21 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 
22 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 
22 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 
21 Oct 2013  -  Agenda item 3 

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