Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on the Contribution of Migrants to Development: Trade, Investment and Developmental Links

29 July 2009
12:00 - 11:59 hrs. 10:00-18:00 hrs., Room XII, Palais des Nations

The twelfth session of UNCTAD held in Accra, Ghana in April 2008 mandated the secretariat, in relation to the contribution of migrants to development, to:

  1. conduct research and analysis on the potential benefits and opportunities of trade, investment and developmental links between migrants´ countries of origin and their communities abroad; and

  2. analyse the potential of migrants´ remittances to contribute to development, maximize benefits derived and minimize costs through policies such as expanding migrants´ access to financial services.

This subject will be discussed in the context of the impact of the financial crisis.

The meeting will be convened pursuant to the above mandate and in consultation with member States.

Discussions will include:

  • Migration trends

  • The impact of the economic crisis on migration

  • Trade, investment and development linkages of migration

  • Policy frameworks to enhance migrants´ contributions to development

Inputs from experts

Experts are encouraged to submit brief papers (approximately five pages) related to "The Contribution of Migrants to Development: Trade, Investment and Development Links" in their countries.

The papers should be submitted to the UNCTAD secretariat in advance of the meeting to:, with copy to:

These papers will be made available at the meeting in the form and language in which they are received.


Contribution of Migrants to Development:Trade, Investment and Development Linkages

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(UNCTAD/DITC/TNCD/2009/Inf.1) -  29 Jul 2009
12 Jul 2009
12 Jul 2009

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