Public Private Dialogue to Drive E-commerce

18 April 2018
13:30 - 03:00 hrs. Room XXVI
, Switzerland

Public-private dialogue provides a structured, participatory, and inclusive approach to policymaking directed at reforming governance and the business climate. Governments that listen to the private sector are more likely to design credible reforms and win support for their policies. An increasing number of policy and governance challenges around the world demand private sector participation in order to generate viable solutions. Such challenges include inclusive growth, poverty reduction, government accountability, business integrity, national competitiveness, innovation, and access to opportunity.

Noting above, the Public-private dialogue may equally benefit the growth and development of e-commerce particularly in developing countries. Ecommerce may be used as a tool to promote, market, service and sell products in domestic as well as international markets, resulting in an increase of exports of developing countries, and contributing towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 17: increase in exports, Goal 5: Target 7; Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, Goal 8: Target 3; help MSMEs gain access to financial services (including online and mobile payments) and Goal 9: Target 3; their integration into value chains and markets (including virtual marketplaces)).

While it is generally believed that the private sector should take the lead role in the development and use of e-commerce, the government at the same time has to play an instrumental role in encouraging e-commerce growth through concrete practicable measures such as creating a favorable policy environment for e-commerce, becoming a leading-edge user of e-commerce and its applications in its operations, and a provider to citizens of e-government services, to encourage its mass use and providing e-commerce infrastructure.

For this purpose, Governments should sit together with private sectors to design a national strategy for ecommerce. Hence a joint initiative by public and private sector to drive e-commerce is vital and the results will start to show through in the form of digital development and reduction of digital divide.

Session panelists will share their views and thoughts with respect to interrelationship of PPD and e-commerce development with reference to above description and the discussion will largely be focused (among other) on lessons learnt/key achievements, restraints and limitations and way-forward.

Moderator: Mr. Saifullah Khan, Managing Partner, S.U.Khan Associates Corporate & Legal Consultants

H.E. Dr. Syed Tauqir Shah, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the WTO

Mr. Nicholas C. Niggli, Director General, Republic and State of Geneva, Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation

Dr. Jonathan Doerr, CEO, Daraz Asia

Dr. Roxana Radu, Geneva Internet Platform Manager, Internet Governance Associate at Diplo Foundation

Mr. Boris Kim, Chairman of the Board of Directors of QIWI Group and Executive Director of FinTech Association

Mr. Nasser Saleh, CEO & Founder, MadfooatCom

Ms. Maria Ptashkina, Bridges Graduate Fellow for International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

S.U. Khan Associates, Corporate and Legal Consultants

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Mr. Saifullah Khan
S.U.Khan Associates Corporate & Legal Consultants