10th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference
Debt management for inclusive and sustainable development
UNCTAD organized its 10th biennial Debt Management Conference from 23 to 25 November 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
- Final programme: EN - FR - SP
- Final list of participants
- Photos of the Conference are available on UNCTAD flick account. Click here !
Opening remarks by the UNCTAD Secretary-General, Mr. Mukhisa Kituyi
Introductory key note speeches:
- Opening Remarks, Mr. Michael Møller, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
- Opening Statement, Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD
- Issues of Debt Management in the New Context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Universal Challenge of Climate Change (Keynote Address), Mr. Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland
- Mr. Luis Arce Catacora, Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Plurinational State of Bolivia
Panel 1: Sustainable Development Goals and the Challenges Ahead
- Mr. Adam Elhiraika, Director, Macroeconomic Policy Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- Mr. Paul Donovan, Global Economist, Managing Director, UBS Investment BankPaul Donovan, Global Economist, Managing Director, UBS Investment Bank
- Mr. Gary Dymski, University of Gary Dymski, University of Leeds
Panel 2: Financing Options for Development
- Mr. Raphael Otieno, Director, Debt Management Programme, Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute (MEFMI)
- Mr. Zhang Zhiping, Executive President, Finance Center for South-South Cooperation
- Mrs. Yuefen Li, Special Advisor on Economics and Development Finance, South Centre
Panel 3: Debt Issues of the Trade and Development Report
- Mr. Richard Kozul-Wright, Director, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD
- Mr. Juan Flores Zendejas, Associate Professor and Head, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History, University of Geneva
- Mr. Alfredo Calcagno, Head, Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD
Panel 4: Lessons from the recent debt crisis
- Mr. Andrew Powell, Principal Advisor, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank
- Mr. Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Rapporteur on Debt and Human Rights, United Nations Human Rights Council
- Mr. Thordur Jonasson, Senior Financial Sector Expert, Debt Management and Capital Markets Division, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund
Panel 5: Exogenous Shocks and Debt
- Ms. Stephanie Blankenburg, Head, Debt and Development Finance Branch, UNCTAD
- Mr. John Panzer, Director of the Global Practice for Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy, World Bank
Panel 6: Mitigating the Risk Associated with Contingent Liabilities
- Mrs. Sharon Almanza, Deputy Treasurer, Bureau of the Treasury, Philippines
- Mr. Matthew Martin, Director, Debt Relief International, Development Finance International, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Mr. Sceneider Siahaan, Director of Budget Financing Strategy and Portfolio, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
Panel 7: Ensuring Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change
- Mr. Iqbal Abdullah Harun, Deputy Secretary, Finance Division, MoF, Bangladesh
- Mr. Tobias Meier, Swiss Reinsurance Company
Panel 8: Debt Management: Capacity-Building Needs
- Mr. Prosper Girukwishaka, Chief of the Unit in charge of the Programme for Strengthening Administrative Capacity, Ministry of Finance, Budget and Privatisation, Burundi
- Mr. Isaac Mpoza, Director, Debt and Cash Management, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda
- Ms. Athemayani Del Orbe Subero, Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance, Dominican Republic
Panel 9: Capacity Building Needs in Debt Management: Responses from International Organizations
- Mrs. Lilia Razlog, Senior Debt Specialist, Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management Global Practice, World Bank
- Mr Eduardo Valdivia-Velarde, Deputy Division Chief, Balance of Payments Division, Statistics Department, International Monetary Fund
- Mr. Gerry Teeling, Chief, DMFAS Programme, Debt and Development Finance Branch, UNCTAD