DMFAS Newsletter Spring 2021

Version française                 Versión española

Happy birthday! 

In 2021, the DMFAS Programme celebrates 40 years of assisting developing countries in strengthening their public debt management capacities. Learn more about the history of the DMFAS Programme. 
Building complex interface in Angola
As part of the work in integrating DMFAS with the integrated financial management system and the auction platform in Angola, an online specialized training on the DMFAS debt securities module took place from 10 November to 11 December 2020. It covered the DMFAS debt securities module and how the link will impact the recording and reporting functions. Side events with the Dominican Republic and World Bank debt experts were also organized to share experience. Continue reading.

ZHAW-DMFAS workshop on ISPAS

In April 2021, the UNCTAD DMFAS Programme and ZHAW School of Management and Law started a collaboration aimed at ensuring compatibility of the upcoming DMFAS software (version 7) with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) standards. Continue reading.


Donors renew support to DMFAS

A group of bilateral donors have committed more funds to UNCTAD’s Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) programme to continue supporting developing countries in strengthening debt data transparency amid the COVID-19 crisis. Continue reading

Launch of DMFAS 6 project in Lao PDR

The Government of Lao PDR and UNCTAD’s DMFAS Programme signed a new technical assistance project in September 2020. The project is financed through the World Bank’s Public Financial Management programme in Lao PDR. Its objective is to strengthen the Lao government’s capacity to manage the country’s public debt, notably through the upgrade to the latest DMFAS version (DMFAS 6) at the Ministry of Finance (MoF). Continue reading.


Webinar on debt statistics bulletins

Debt management offices need to aggregate and simplify debt information to explain past, present and future flows and stocks to a series of stakeholders. To this end, the DMFAS Programme delivered  webinars on best practices for compiling and disseminating debt statistics bulletins with some helpful tips for debt managers and authorities. You can access the presentations and the recordings in English and in French in the Self-learning section of the Client area of the DMFAS website.


DMFAS Release

The Programme has released version of the DMFAS software in February. It includes enhancements to existing features and new functionalities, including enhancements for commission refunds' recording, in the reports module and in the Risk Model Interface. The release note and the instructions are available in English, French and Spanish in the Client area of the DMFAS website. 


DMFAS upcoming events

  • May-June: Philippines DMFAS 6 technical training and basic functional training at the Bangko Sentral
  • June: Lao PDR refresher DMFAS 6 functional training
  • June-July: Lao PDR DMFAS 6 advanced functional training

Consult DMFAS  forthcoming activities in the DMFAS website.