New information is available on DMFAS 7 in the DMFAS website
To learn about the new features and functionalities of DMFAS, follow the DMFAS 7 link.
Tutorials on nominal value in DMFAS 6.2
The DMFAS Programme has developed two video tutorials on nominal value calculation. They guide debt management officers on how to use this new functionality available for debt securities in DMFAS 6.2. Continue reading.
Joint IMF-UNCTAD-WB workshop on Annual Borrowing Plans
A workshop on the elaboration of an Annual Borrowing Plan was held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 26-30 June 2023. Organized jointly by the IMF, UNCTAD and the World Bank under the Debt Management Facility, this workshop included 28 participants from fifteen francophone African countries. Continue reading.
Collaboration with Côte d'Ivoire on PPPs
From 31 May to 9 June, a DMFAS workshop on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) was organized with Côte d’Ivoire in Geneva to discuss the challenges faced by the country in monitoring PPPs and their impact on debt. Continue reading.
DMFAS 6 implementation in Djibouti
In May, DMFAS 6 was installed at the Ministry of Budget, followed by the technical training in the maintenance of the system and the first functional training for the Public Debt Department debt officers. Continue reading.
Strengthening DMFAS implementation in Armenia
Wishing to fully benefit from the DMFAS system in its ability to support back, middle and front-office debt management for both domestic and external debt management, the government of Armenia recently completed comprehensive new training activities. Continue reading.
Improving debt management in Mauritania
Mauritania successfully concluded a two-year a technical assistance project resulting in strengthened knowledge in debt management, improved debt statistics debt bulletin and debt data quality. Continue reading.
DMFAS upcoming events
September:Djibouti DMFAS 6 intermediate functional training
September-October: Equatorial GuineaDMFAS 6 advanced functional training
September-October: JordanDMFAS 7 beta testing
October: Guinea, Debt portfolio analysis workshop
October: Equatorial Guinea initial data validation workshop
October: Tajikistantraining on database structure
November: Kyrgyzstaninitial data validation workshop
Donors This newsletter is produced by the DMFAS Programme with the support of the following donors: France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the European Commission