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The DMFAS installation and basic functional training mission took place in February- March 2023 at the Caja Autónoma de Amortización de la Deuda Pública (CAADP), the autonomous debt management office under the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Planning of Equatorial Guinea.
The project, which started in June 2022, is embedded in the framework of the Public Finance Modernization Support Project (PAMFP), financed by the African Development Bank. It is designed to strengthen the debt management capacities of the CAADP and, ultimately, the Government’s capacity to fulfill its national and international reporting obligations, thus increasing the transparency of public finances. For more information on the project see the article “Welcoming Equatorial Guinea in the DMFAS’ community” (DMFAS newsletter Summer 2022)
During the mission, the system was installed in two dedicated servers and 4 database administrators (DBAs) were trained in its administration. These DBAs also followed a specialized training on Oracle-SQL applied to DMFAS in Geneva from 15 to 27 January 2023, thus preparing them for the installation.
After the successful installation, 16 users from the front-middle-back office were trained in DMFAS 6 basic functionalities, in particular on recording of debt securities and loans. During the following six weeks, with the support of a DMFAS consultant, a group of dedicated users received additional hands-on training and started the recording of debt instruments in the production database. This work is expected to be finalized in July, and the CAADP users will be assisted by a further two-month support by a DMFAS consultant.
Starting in March 2023, UNCTAD has also been assisting the CAADP in the elaboration of a procedures’ manual, which will enhance the information flows within and between institutions involved in debt management. The manual will give specific emphasis to back-office procedures and include job aids for debt officers.
The project implementation will continue in 2023 with a series of activities that will include advanced functional training, data validation and debt statistics workshops as well as training on contingent liabilities and public private partnerships. The project will also support the development of an interface between the DMFAS database and the integrated financial management system currently under development.