Advanced remote DMFAS 6 functional training in Lao PDR

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Lao PDR advanced functional training July 2021As part of the World Bank-financed project « Upgrade of DMFAS 6 at the Ministry of Finance of Lao PDR » , the advanced DMFAS 6 functional training took place from 21 June to 9 July 2021. 

Similar to the basic DMFAS 6 training organized in February 2021, the advanced functional training was delivered remotely from Geneva as well as from Port-of-Spain where the DMFAS trainers reside.

The participants were introduced to the system’s advanced functionalities, including the debt analysis module and the new reporting module. Live sessions were conducted with the help of an interpreter (English-Lao) and the participants were able to complete and send exercises to the trainers daily. As a result of this activity, 15 Lao debt officers were able to strengthen their knowledge of DMFAS 6 and of public debt management.

The next step will be a workshop in September to develop a methodology to validate the Lao debt data on a regular basis to ensure its completeness, consistency and accuracy. This will be followed by the implementation of the validation of the database. 

At the end of the current project, it is expected that the Department of External Finance and Debt Management staff will effectively manage the country’s public debt using DMFAS 6, and that the debt database will be up-to-date and providing reliable information for statistical and analytical purposes.

Lao PDR advanced functional training July 2021