Issues of practical implementation of international standards of accounting and reporting in the public and private sectors

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2018
Issues of practical implementation of international standards of accounting and reporting in the public and private sectors
Agreed Conclusions
Closing plenary
26 Oct 2018

The Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting,

Considering that the implementation of international standards of accounting and reporting in the public and private sectors provides an essential contribution to promoting an enabling investment climate and fostering well-informed decision-making processes,

Recognizing recent trends in standard-setting and in the practical implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards and International Public Sector Accounting Standards,

  1. 1. Expresses its satisfaction for the breadth and depth of the discussions under the agenda item, as outlined in document TD/B/C.II/ISAR/86, prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat;
  2. Requests the UNCTAD secretariat to continue facilitating the sharing of good practices on the implementation of international standards of accounting and reporting in the public and private sectors, in particular with a view to assisting developing countriesand countries with economies in transition in their capacity-building efforts towards high-quality and international comparable enterprise reporting.