COP 22 Side Event on National Green Economy Reviews, in cooperation with Islamic Development Bank

14 November 2016
13.30 – 15.00, IsDB Pavillion
, Morocco

COP22logo-400.jpgOn 14 November 2016, at the UNFCCC 22nd Session of the Conference of Parties in Marrakesh (COP22), UNCTAD (DITC/TED) in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) will host a Side-Event on National Green Export Reviews (NGERs).

Country-owned and stakeholder-driven, NGERs serve as a national tool to support climate change mitigation in production and consumption while providing commercial benefits. NGERs are UNCTAD's response to growing country demand for assessments of national potential to develop selected green sectors that can generate new employment and export opportunities and help ensure sustainable development. At this event, UNCTAD will introduce its NGER Programme and results emerging from 8 country projects implemented to date through funding provided by the United Nations Development Account.

ditc-ted-oct-2016-cop22-marrakesh-group-2.jpgOf these 8 national projects, 3 have been undertaken by the IsDB member states Lebanon, Morocco and Oman. The side event aims to showcase these NGERs by bringing together national focal points, experts and policymakers from these 3 countries to discuss their NGER objectives, challenges and anticipated deliverables. Following this exchange of national NGER experiences, IsDB will announce its financial support for, and substantive collaboration with UNCTAD on, additional NGERs in requesting IsDB member countries. At the same time, IsDB will solicit expressions of interest in an NGER from its member states.

Delegates and other COP22 participants from all countries, particularly IsDB member countries, with an interest in learning more about NGERs and national experiences with building production and export capacity in green products/sectors should attend this event. Ample time will be given for questions from the floor.  NGER home page
02 Nov 2016
Sponsor / funding:
United Nations Development Account, and The Islamic Development Bank

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Related Site:
TED branch, home page
Trade and Environment, Climate Change and
 Sustainable Development .
Other UNCTAD meetings at COP22
Implementing the Paris Agreement: United Nations Agencies' Dialogue on Impacts of Mitigation Measures and Linkages with Trade 
12 November 2016 Observer room 2, COP 22 Marrakesh, Morocco
Featured PublicationVirtual Institute Teaching Material on Trade, the Environment and Sustainable Development: Transition to a Low-carbon Economy. Institute Teaching Material on Trade, the Environment and Sustainable Development  


Mr. Robert Hamwey