Ad-hoc training workshop for High-Court Judges in Colombia

10 - 11 December 2012
Hotel Morrisson
, Colombia

The objective of the workshop is to train Supreme and High-court Judges on the role of the Judiciary in the competition law enforcement in Colombia. In addition, it aims to strengthen the coordination links between the competition authority(SIC) and the Judiciary, in particular the High Court of "Cundinamarca", which directly reviews the rulings of the SIC.  Mission Highlights The substantive discussions of the training workshop were structured as follows: The first day of work addressed the subtantive aspects of competition law enforcement, delivered mainly by Oxford university Professor Dr. Ariel Ezrachi, and was followed by comments from UNCTAD and Spanish Magistrate, Mercedez Pedráz. The second day was devoted to addressing the procedural aspects of competition law enforcement. Each of the sessions were followed with interactive discussions by the judges and legal advisors and presentations of Latin American landmark cases with comparisons to EU enforcement cases. Colombian judges, particularly those from the Supreme Court, praised the importance of improving the level and complex analysis of the Judiciary in reviewing SIC rulings. In addition, they claimed that it would be important to strenghthen the coordination and synergies between Courts and the Competition Authority given that in consumer protection cases, the SIC as umbrella agency has judicial instance. In competition issues, SIC only has administrative instance and therefore the role of the Judiciary is crucial for an effective competition law enforcement in Colombia.  Follow-up actions Given that this first course is introductory, judges and prosecutors requested UNCTAD to organise a second training workshop in the first quarter of 2013, in order to cover the following topics: the role of economics in abuse of dominant position cases, judicial review in cartel cases (horizontal agreements); how to present economic evidence in courts. Further topics that will be confirmed shortly. Oxford University and UNCTAD will explore the best time schedule to organise the requested second course, including online activities to further streamline the topics and detailed work programme.
Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC)
Sponsor / funding:
UNCTAD through the COMPAL Programme for Colombia

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Pierre Horna
Tel: +41 22 917 4766